『木製イヤリングホルダー小麦全粒小麦配給形状家庭旅行収納2つのビスケットのグループフレンドリーな環境パッケージ Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-93bcc6ce58から04月22日 17時 23分に出品され04月22日 17時 23分に終了予定です。即決価格は1,902円に設定されています。現在726件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。和歌山県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
This biscuit is a wooden earring jewelry storage group, there are two in total, one large and one small. Big biscuits provide earring lovers with space and order to store ear studs, so that small ear studs will no longer be wandering. Small biscuits are suitable for earring storage when traveling. With the help of biscuits, you can find pairs of earrings in no time. Let the hustle and foot before going out during travel be replaced by calm and graceful. Each biscuit earring holder is recut and hand sanded with fine sandpaper and coated with a specially selected protective oil. I picked this oil after trying out and comparing products from many different brands. It retains the original color texture of the material, and enhances the water and dirt resistance of the biscuit earring holder. To clean the cookie earring holder, all you need to do is wipe the dust off with a dry cloth. If you accidentally touch water or other liquids, after wiping off the liquid, there will be no traces left on the surface. But do not rinse directly with water. About the material The biscuit earring holder is made of medium density fiberboard (Medium Density Fiberboard, MDF for short), which is made of wood fiber mixed with resin and viscose, and then pressed by high temperature and high pressure. Because MDF is mostly made of solid wood scraps that are ground into fibers, it is also a kind of environmentally friendly material on a certain level. I love the light brown color and smooth finish of MDF like a baked cookie. Using the original 3mm thickness of this material, I turned it into a biscuit earring holder for storing earrings and adding a sense of humor to life. hope you will like it. (PS In order to create this product, I had an extra job when I was shopping in the supermarket - observing the shape of the cookies on the shelf. After collecting many cookies, I drew five cookies that you may have eaten before. Style - Classic Original, Honey Cube, Whole Wheat Ration, Cloud Pillow and Flowers.) Classic Original Honey Cube Cloud Pillow : informationLINEBREAKMaterials : Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF), protective oil Dimensions: Large width 10.2 cm, length 6.9 cm│ Small width 6.8 x cm length 5.2 cm Thickness: 0.3 cm The distance between the two holes: 1 cm Hole size: about 0.15 cm in diameter Number of holes: 36 large biscuits│ 14 small biscuits; two biscuits can hold up to 25 pairs of earrings. : About 17g│Small about 9.3g Warm reminder This is a set (two cookies, one large and one small, the same style) does not include photo props and earrings. Friends who like earrings, please come to my design hall: Please note that the color of each batch of wood will be slightly different, not necessarily a hundred 100% of the color in the photo. Please keep the product in a dry place. It is recommended to place it in the room, bedroom and other spaces, and avoid places with more moisture and more moisture, such as bathrooms. Please clean and wipe with a dry cloth. Click here to see all designs: https://tw.creema.net/c/CookieFactoryJewelry/item/onsale
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