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▲Made of pure New Zealand wool, composed of colorful forest colors, it is a good thing to match with the home, a beautiful experience of returning to nature ▲Colorful and lovely coffee gradient color system, can be used as chair cushions, seat cushions, floor cushions Wait ▲Fresh color matching, full of handmade temperature ▲Thick pure wool material, warm heart ▲Lets add a lovely breath of life to life! It is also a good choice for gift giving ▲With a hand-feeling carton packaging, it is very convenient for you to give gifts ▲Take my free style, I am going to travel, I have arrived in a country that requires imagination, Activate the 3D function of the mind, imagine yourself as a free bird, turns out that traveling is the most comfortable way of life, brings exclusive color floor mats, let’s live a little hippie life occasionally! ▲Material: New Zealand wool ▲Size: Diameter 41 cm Height 2 cm Due to the slightly different measurement methods and positions of each person, the dimensions are all horizontal manual measurements, which may vary due to factors such as fabric elasticity and measurement starting point. There is a slight error with the actual size, and the error size ± 3cm is the acceptable range of international inspection standards
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