『YWC インドア コンフォート レザー スリッパ_オールインクルーシブ_ブラック Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-93bcc6ce58から04月17日 15時 24分に出品され04月17日 15時 24分に終了予定です。即決価格は6,903円に設定されています。現在968件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。奈良県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
▲There are many sizes, welcome to ask for measuring paper One size per centimeter, belonging to fit slippers, many sizes, friends who don’t know how to choose, welcome to ask for measuring paper, let YWC make the size that suits you. request form: ▲YWC Original Indoor Leather Slippers Series The design and production of each pair are from my own hands, please feel free to write to us for discussion. The leather is elastic and can accommodate basically everything. It is suitable for "offices with strong air conditioning, warm home toilets with dry and wet separation, non-slip and good-looking slippers." ▲Materials are all selected by YWC Studio, and the materials are as follows: Upper: European leather embryo, Taiwan tanned cowhide Midsole: Italian belly vegetable tanned cowhide Middle: 7mm latex pad made in Taiwan Outsole: 3mm anti-skid rubber mat made in Taiwan Thread: German century-old manual machine double-thread sewing is super strong ▲Notes: **Made To Order=It is made after the order is placed, and it is acceptable to order again, thank you. ** **The product manufacturing process is completed by shoemaker YWCs one-person studio. There is no outsourcing, and follow-up maintenance will naturally be responsible. It will not run away after selling. Please place an order with peace of mind. ** *Leather needs to be used with a little attention, not to be exposed to water too often. *Currently, there is no case of odor generation among the slippers for personal use and sold. **There is a physical store in Banqiao, Taipei. If you want to try it on, you can contact me. There may be missed messages when using the platform. If there is no response for more than one day, please message again on the site, thank you. **
コットンの手編みルームシューズ Ω
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携帯スリッパ(ポーチ付き) Ω
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携帯スリッパ(ポーチ付き) Ω
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コットンの手編みルームシューズ Ω
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スリッパベース★オリジナルスリッパ製作★デザイン自由♬ Ω
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968 入札履歴