『手形はダークブルーデニムバッグ[ABC]シングル/ダブル肩を描きました Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-a364791fa8から04月20日 11時 13分に出品され04月20日 11時 13分に終了予定です。即決価格は1,578円に設定されています。現在914件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。宮崎県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
In Taiwan Made Handmade Illustrator / Kim - Specification Size - Order, the following information Remarks: [sided] [sided] - the Attention Caution - Ql same pattern. why each item a little different? the A1. All patterns are all hand-printed and hand-painted, so the number will be slightly different according to the commodity at the time of printing, this is a normal phenomenon. Q2. Why first into the water feeling a little pattern fades? A2. Color pigments are solid color processing, but the clothes the first time how much water will wash out clothes qualities of fiber, so that when the fabric and on the pattern, easier to brush the old sense, these are a normal phenomenon Oh! Q3. Garment fabric will fade it? A3. Shirting as MIT made in Taiwan, and combed through all four fade processing. New clothes the first time the water wash, if the color of the water is a normal phenomenon, because in the process of dyeing cloth, some toner remains in the fibers of the cloth, after slowly released into the water, but please be assured that this the color does not affect the interpretation of other clothing Oh! Q4 is. Painted handprints TEE BAG bag or how to clean it? . The A4 TEE: Recommendation upside down washing, hand washing machine can wash. BAG: Dry cleaning is recommended, recommended to wash hand wash, after drying, ironing can to maintain the original smooth feeling. Please note, do not add bleach when cleaning above, and other scouring detergent, do not place scrub vigorously cleaning to avoid damage pattern color, fabric fibers Oh! Q5. Bags simplex / duplex What does it mean? The price of the same? the A5. One side is the side of the selected pattern below the other side of Kaasan LOGO. Double-sided is all the same pattern. Both practices are the same price Oh!
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¥ 5460
【1点限り】新色❤︎大人の鮮やかヴィンテージリボン3Wayポシェット Black限定発売 Ω
¥ 3900
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トレジャーバッグ Ω
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¥ 9750
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¥ 6271
受注製作用//zn-A4 京都ちどりかばん 帆布製ショルダーバッグ A4型 ノーマル Ω
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¥ 10530
布をまとうバッグ「トマト」【オリジナルテキスタイル】斜めがけ Ω
¥ 7722
布をまとうバッグ 【オリジナルテキスタイル】「鯉」 Ω
¥ 7722
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¥ 4664
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¥ 4664
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¥ 3744
【新作】帆布とウールツイードのまん丸お散歩ショルダーバッグ♪ブラック Ω
¥ 3900
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¥ 5460
914 入札履歴