『[DuBien_Hand-painted]カスタムペットのようなペイントピュア手描きのペットの肖像画A4サイズ Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-93bcc6ce58から04月15日 23時 30分に出品され04月15日 23時 30分に終了予定です。即決価格は5,129円に設定されています。現在957件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。埼玉県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
✧Customized pet-like hand-painted to convey a warm atmosphere worlds only one childs commemorative background pattern can be designed for your needs~ ! note! This is the "A4 size" store ✧✧✧ Ordering steps: *Step 1: Private message photo discussion Photo: You can first pass at least 3-5 pet-clear photos to me for evaluation Discussion: 1 2, draw a big head or the whole body 2, background pattern discussion 3, initial estimated drawing days *Step 2: order After the discussion is confirmed, no matter, you can place an order directly *Step 3: Remittance goods You must first remit the money before you start production. Please forgive me~ *Step 4: Confirm the work I will send a photo of the work to the buyer to confirm if there is any increase. *Step 5: Send confirm No problem, I will send you the work 啰 Drawing tools: Most of the color pencils will be used with watercolors, pastels, markers, etc. ✧ Paper size: A4 size, approx. 29.7 cm & lt X 21 is ✧ paper material: Vinci design paper ✧ Price: single pet 1300 yuan two pet 1500 yuan three pet 1700 yuan ✧ draw Days: according to the order of the order of about 10-20 days can ask me first private news Waiting days If it is urgent, please contact me personally 唷 ✧Note: pure hand-painted custom goods can not be returned is not electric painting, there will be no electronic file can scan yourself Please confirm my love first Style re-order must first send money before you can draw Please be considerate~ You can talk to me if you have any questions 唷 you~
[DuBien_Hand-painted]カスタムペットのようなペイントピュア手描きのペットの肖像画はがきサイズ Ω
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957 入札履歴