『手染めの草と木∞桑絹の長いスカーフ36x 156 cm-A70- Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-e6ccf21db3から05月15日 18時 47分に出品され05月15日 18時 47分に終了予定です。即決価格は6,521円に設定されています。現在842件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。茨城県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Natural Hand Dyed Silk Scarf Hand-dyed with plants and trees ∞ Mulberry silk square -MS70-Orange ● 156 x 36 cm ● 100% Silk. 100% mulberry silk scarf ● Soft earth color, water-based pencil texture. Natural fragrance. ● Natural Hand Dyed with Hematoxylin Caesalpinia Madder. Hand-made dyeing. ● Earth tones, water color texture. With natural sweet scent. ................................................ ....................... [Hand-dyed grass and trees ∞ Mulberry silk scarf Wash Care] ● Dissolve a little neutral lotion in cold water, and wash separately and gently . ● Gently hand wash in cold water with Natural neutral detergent. ● Towels soak up the water and dry indoors. ● Roll on a towel to blot then Drying indoor. ◎ The color of plants and trees fades slightly into the water, which is normal. ◎ Its normally would have a slight retreat in water when wash. ★ Ironing at low temperature. Store away from light. ★ Low-heat setting for ironing. Store out of sunlight. Silk scarves use natural dyes, and different acid and alkaline cleaning agents will change the hue. Silk scarf dyeing by natural materials which maight change color in different pH cleaning agents. ............................... ........................................ 【Payment & Shipping】 ● Combined Shipping Offer. ★ as Free Gift Wrapping. ★ Package Penalty for and Ready to Ship in 1-2 Business Days the After Payment. ★ This Creation by Will BE shipped by Packaging Carefully, and the make the Sure to arrive in the Pristine for condition Condition. ❢❢ Depending on receivers local import regulations, international parcels might have customs import charges. ❢❢ ........................... . used dyes can become compost and return to the earth. Dyeing and washing water can be used to irrigate plants and vegetables and flow into rivers. trees share their own colors and return to nature. People and everything are in balance. Planet Studio. ................................... Planet Studio vegetation dyed product Natural Dyed Creations bit.ly /2KEdKlh . ❤ Welcome to inquire about the method of "self dyeing of plants and trees". ❤ Participate in Planet Studio Plant Dyeing ●● Creative Common Learning. All we are the light of the world ♡ THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE ♡ #EarthFriendly #NaturalDyed #SilkScarf #Indigo #Blue #草木染#丝巾#资源染#Recycling EconomyXLife Practice#New Idea of Sustainable Living #ChemicalFree #PlanetStudio33 #盖亚#Mother
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