『1945←2015: Reflections on Stolen Youth(ころから) [電子書籍]Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-000d996108から04月23日 08時 09分に出品され04月23日 08時 09分に終了予定です。即決価格は1,716円に設定されています。現在890件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。山梨県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Fifteen Japanese youth of 1945 share their stories and fifteen modern-day young people write letters to them in thirty pleas for peace that span seven decades. The war survivors were innocent children, students, soldiers, and nurses. They lived on mainland Japan and its islands, the South Pacific, Korea, and China―and all were forced to take on adult roles far beyond their years. This book bears witness to the countless ways war alters forever the lives of everyone involved―even survivors who live well into old age. Originally published in Japanese, 1945・2015: Reflections of Stolen Youth is now available in English thanks to the support of its readers and authors and publisher in Japan. People throughout the world are invited to join us, not in considering war, but learning from the past and thinking about how to make peace.目次ContentsForeword Motomi MurotaVictim of the Tokyo Air RaidsMichiko Kiyo-oka ← Letter from Shoko AizawaSixteen Years at War─in Siberia and in the War Crimes CenterYasuji Kaneko ← Letter from Junpei SekiguchiA Member of the Zuisen Student Nursing CorpsMichiko Miyagi ← Letter from Mei NammoI Lost All My Brothers and Sisters in the Nagasaki BombingSanae Ikeda ← Letter from Taira IchimuraThis Japanese Pioneer in Manchuria Survived the Chinese RevolutionNobuko Yamatani ← Letter from Wu Zhao HuiStarvation and Malaria in New GuineaMorimichi Tsukahara ← Letter from Jinshiro MotoyamaVolunteered for Unit 731 Youth Corps at Age FifteenYoshio Shinozuka ← Letter from Daikichi KatoThe War in Henoko, OkinawaTaeko Shimabukuro ← Letter from Motomi Okada“Starvation and Malaria in New GuineaMorimichi Tsukahara ← Letter from Jinshiro MotoyamaVolunteered for Unit 731 Youth Corps at Age FifteenYoshio Shinozuka ← Letter from Daikichi KatoThe War in Henoko, OkinawaTaeko Shimabukuro ← Letter from Motomi OkadaAfter the War, Suffering from the Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima ContinuedHiroko Iwami ← Letter from Kaede NagashimaWent from Guarding POWs on the Thai-Burma Railway to Death Row PrisonerLee Hak Rae ← Letter from Hiroyuki OhmuraEvacuated from Tokyo to Nagano Leading a Group of SchoolgirlsFusako Iwase ← Letter from Yukino Takei”“Mobilized in the Tekketsu Kinnotai Corps During the Battle of OkinawaKoyu Kinjo ← Letter from Lee Yeong HoMember of a Frontline Combat Unit in ChinaMasaji Shinagawa ← Letter from Naoto MitsumeTreating A-bomb Victims in NagasakiShisono Hisamatsu ← Letter from Ten SugimuraSuffered from Malaria During Forced EvacuationZenko Nakasoko ← Letter from Natsuki HataeAfterword: An Appeal for Peace Sent Out Into the WorldNaomi KitagawaPhotographers Notes: Portraits of the Energy of LifeYuriko OchiaiTranslators Notes Deborah Iwabuchi“Learning More at MuseumsSupporters of 1945←2015: Reflections on Stolen YouthAbout the Authors, Photographer, and TranslatorWrite Your Own Letter!
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