『甘尻スカート&超ショート「カメリア」 ✿アメリカンコットン/ピンクダブルガーゼスカート ✿S(70-80) Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-a364791fa8から04月23日 05時 30分に出品され04月23日 05時 30分に終了予定です。即決価格は4,658円に設定されています。現在423件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。滋賀県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Model reference: size--S 77cmLINEBREAK ✿✿The short skirt is a bit shorter than the length of the "sweet butt skirt ~✿✿ ✿✿But the quality and richness of lace remain unchanged! ✿✿ Sweet butt "Camellia" size and price: (the waistline can be customized according to the babys size) S-70~80 can be worn/skirt length 24 M-90-100 can be worn/ Skirt length 28 -110-120 worn/skirt length S-70~80 can be worn/skirt length 17 MM90-100 can be worn/skirt length 19 L110-120 can be worn/skirt length 21 XL-130 can be worn/ Skirt length 23 --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Designs the babys accessories to be more "suitable" one stroke at a time, and sews the babys clothing materials stitch by stitch to be more "safe" , makes your babys life "better" bit by bit. upholds the belief, searches for the best and most beautiful fabrics; modifies and designs the most suitable version; carefully sews handmade products, only hopes to bring you and your baby the best~ purely handmade Craftsmanship -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ----------------- *Washing suggestions: 1. Machine washable, please put it in a laundry bag. 2. Do not dry or add bleach. 3. Please wash it and shake it lightly or gently flatten the cloth before drying. It will be smoother after drying. *Notes: 1. They are all made of 100% cotton and double yarn fabrics. It is normal for wrinkles to appear after washing. If you want it to be smooth, you can iron it. 2. All are hand-made and cut, and the color and pattern may be different from the position on the picture. 3. The hand-made size error is about 0.5 to 1 cm. *If you want to customize a gift box or give him/her a more special surprise, please contact the designer and we will reply to you quickly~Thank you
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423 入札履歴