『hykcwyre植物性なめし革本革手縫い小銭入れ、ヘッドフォンケーブル、小さな収納、素材バッグ Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-93bcc6ce58から04月22日 17時 29分に出品され04月22日 17時 29分に終了予定です。即決価格は3,858円に設定されています。現在520件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。長崎県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
***Product introduction A small coin purse with generous design and simplicity. small rectangular design of LINEBREAK can arrange the change neatly, and it is convenient to take it out directly when you use it. There is no need to dig in a . The size of LINEBREAK is just right to put the headphone cable/wire, and you can also put some small things such as Lipstick, SD card, etc.. In addition to the finished product, it can also be made into a material package, so that you can complete this gift by yourself. more color demonstration photos of this style, please go to the following link: *** details - using vegetable tanned Italian leather or rub the wax production - simple and elegant design - suitable for placing small objects such as headphones Line, lipstick, SD card, etc... -The change can be straight and neatly arranged for easy use -Can be made into a material package ***Size: Width: 9 cm Height: 4 cm Depth: 4 cm ***About maintenance It’s best to do maintenance once every three months. You can use the leather wax or mink oil (available in leather stores) with cotton cloth, and then Apply a thin layer on the leather in circular motions, and repeat twice (three times in total) after the leather has absorbed. There is a wax layer on the wax skin now, so you don’t need to maintain it, because there is a chance that the wax layer will be wiped off. It can be maintained after the wax layer is absorbed/shed off, and the vegetable tanned leather can be maintained first. ***Personalized *This product can be engraved with your exclusive name, simple words. The name and simple words are free *If the engraving is more than 20 characters, please contact the designer, and additional processing fees will be charged. *If you have some special symbols/patterns you want to engrave, you can tell us, and we will try to help you achieve it! *Note Because the typefaces are engraved one by one with human hands We will try our best to do our best, but it is impossible to achieve a perfect straight line/tidy, please forgive me *If the same line is engraved, there will be leather interference, which will affect the lettering effect, so the bottom of the engraved bottom surface is preset, If you have any special requirements, please contact us *Because the lettering is stamped on the leather by hand, traces will be seen in the pressed place (the lettering on the leather bottom, the leather surface will be more obvious), which is inevitable, but also Because of this, the value of hand-made lettering is revealed. ***Notes *All leathers will have growth patterns, which are natural scars and are normal. *In different locations, lights, mobile phones, computers, and colors will have color differences. *The production time takes 5-7 working days, excluding holidays and Sundays. *Because this model is relatively small in size, it is more economical to send mail , Hong Kong and Macau need 2-3 working days, Taiwan and other places need 7-10 working days. For urgent items, please contact us to change the express delivery. Note that Saturdays and Sundays are not dispatched * ** Origin / manufacturing method products are produced by hykc designer in Hong Kong studio
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