『レザーステッチデザインバックバックパックボヘミアンショルダーバッグエスニックスタイル登山バッグパッチワークバッグ-レインボースト Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-17e346305fから04月19日 23時 16分に出品され04月19日 23時 16分に終了予定です。即決価格は10,642円に設定されています。現在379件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。愛媛県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
▲It is made of hand-woven cotton linen + hand-made leather. The touch of hand-made cotton is combined with bright colors to form a bright color. It is a good thing to match with clothes and a beautiful experience of returning to nature. ▲Hemp is the most durable natural fiber on earth Compared with other crops, it requires less water and can grow naturally without pesticides and herbicides. It is the most environmentally friendly plant ▲Combined with suede material ▲The multi-layered cotton and linen pockets in the front, place Pens or things are ▲The special knitted fabric will become more more hippie after long time. ▲The sides are also full of leather ▲Side pockets pendants on the zippers to add texture Pressed design, the length of the strap can be adjusted ▲The inside is made of cotton fabric, which adds texture ▲Sturdy lathe, can carry heavy loads ▲The bottom is full of leather ▲It is easy to carry when traveling abroad, and show it by the way Taste it! ▲With hand-feel paper box packaging, it is very convenient for you to give gifts ▲Material: Cotton linen + handmade leather ▲Size Length: 18 cm Width: 23 cm Side Width: 10 cm The measurement method and position of each person are slightly different. The size is all horizontal manual measurement. Due to factors such as fabric elasticity and measurement starting point, there will be a slight error from the actual size. The error size ± 3cm is the acceptable range of international inspection standards ▲The one in front Pocket, two pockets inside, this bag is a small size backpack, it cant hold A4 size documents!
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