『”Many in Body, One in Mind”(大阪大学出版会) [電子書籍]Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-000d996108から04月19日 14時 51分に出品され04月19日 14時 51分に終了予定です。即決価格は5,320円に設定されています。現在755件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。茨城県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
The Soka Gakkai is the most well-known and the largest of new religious movements (NRMs) in Japan. This book analyzes the Soka Gakkai’s evangelizing in the United States from a sociological perspective of religion. How did the Japanese Soka Gakkai come to be accepted by Americans and take root in American society in the United States, a country with a very different culture and religion? How did a Japanese-style organization transform itself into a culture so different from Japan’s? How were the teachings and concepts translated and localized? Why, how, and for what purpose do the members of the U.S. continue their faith? The authors’ 15 visits to the U.S., in which they participated in local events of the organization and interviewed more than 70 Soka Gakkai International members in the U.S., revealed these questions from the perspective of the sociology of religion, using life history method, conversion theory, organizational theory, and the concept of cross-cultural translation. This book is the English translation of the Japanese book “‘Itai-Doshin’ in Soka Gakkai-USA”(2018, Shinyosha Ltd.).目次ContentsPrefaceINTRODUCTORY CHAPTER The History of SGI-USA1. War brides and second-generation Japanese Americans2. Transformation from hippie to happy3. Conventions4. Phase Two5. Cultural differences6. A seventeen-day stay in Los Angeles7. Toward further development in the 21st centuryCHAPTER 1 Nichiren Buddhism in the USA1. “Many in body, one in mind” in multi-ethnic society2. The enlightenment of women in the 21st centuryCHAPTER 2 Joining and converting to SGI-USA1. Availability and openness to join SGI2. People’s situation when joining SGI3. Spiritual inquiry and a life crisis4. The appeals of SGI’s Buddhist practice and the membership retention5. Shift from benefit-oriented seekers to altruistic believers as taught in Mahayana BuddhismCHAPTER 3 Americanization of the organizational structure1. Organizational development in the 1960s and beyond2. Phase Two and structural changes3. From a vertical structure to a horizontal structure: Geographical reorganization (Geo-Reo)CHAPTER 4 Two stages of Americanization: Revisiting the importance of English translation1. Anglicization and Phase Two2. Four categories of translation3. A shift from ‘Japanese’ English to more natural English expressions4. Two stages of anglicizationCHAPTER 5 The oneness of mentor and disciple in America1. Inheritance of teachings2. English translation3. The oneness of mentor and disciple: What it means for SGI-USA members4. Servant LeadershipAfterwordChronologyReferencesIndex
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