『Bucute法のバケツ/装飾品/人形/誕生日プレゼント好適/独占/ハンドメイド/プレゼント交換/キーチェーン/ペット Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-a364791fa8から05月12日 05時 42分に出品され05月12日 05時 42分に終了予定です。即決価格は2,880円に設定されています。現在776件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。福島県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Law bucket decoration doll choose decorations doll or carry key ring doll [.◕‿‿◕. Product Features] the HI ~ Hello everyone ~ I was in France to a small bucket Yes !! I professional is the professional bullfighter because of short stature can only be run with bull fighting my birthday is October 1 Libra B type interest usual like trance stare at busy people quietly enjoy your time ** [. ◕‿‿◕. Desc.] ** size ║10x7x9cm, material ║ microfiber velvet, lint ball bristles, metal, AA grade elastic fiber cotton origin ║Taiwan manufacturing ║ hand Made hand production Panny ║Designer [.◕‿‿◕. reminder] ► to leave a message tell me which one you want Oh. ► commodities exclusive limited edition, sold gone Oh. ► can also ask any questions I will be happy to answer your questions advantages :) ** ► Goods Drawing color due to computer monitors set up slightly different from the actual product colors prevail Oh, I already try to adjust chatter. ** ► View other goods or ask questions but also to Bucute Oh! ** [. ◕‿‿◕. About Bucute] ** Bucute means of Chinese cloth cute ¨ ¨, designed in the style of Japanese Lord, cute, assembled from the Bucute most simple lines and the most attractive, more magical healing spells so that you never get tired, let you retrieve deep inside the simple joy of you. Bucute manufacturing 100% made in Taiwan, from design, sampling, tooling, making, sewing, processing, packaging, different products have different production lines, a special counter sewn clothing aunt, there are well-known master do OEM brand bags with technical guidance on the quality can be greatly assured. And each item last work, position of the eyes is a designer personally done by hand, the vitality of a commodity depends on the eye of the eyes. Bucute goods, has been the development of more than 10,000 samples of goods, dolls strap, mobile phone sets, computer bags, pillow, folders, clothing, mugs, tote bags, goggles, cell phones, jewelry ... and so on, Top strap which has sold more than 100,000. Bucute history, starting from the creative market, heard Bucute friends all know, has eight years of Bucute counter brand history, they gradually total of 15 counters, this is also the idol with the merchandise sponsor brand, in recent years, marketing strategy adjustment, the department store to take a short break, the current total of the mountain, face book, pinkoi, creema based. Bucute services, proprietary products for cleaning and maintenance of after-sales service (cloth commodities), so that each person hands Bucute small objects, can feel at ease at ease.
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